Creative Torbay / Opportunities / Mon 14 May 2018
Freelance Fundraiser (fixed fee 3k), Tough Dough

Freelance Fundraiser for arts organisation - 6 months (Fixed fee £3k)
Tough Dough is a growing community arts organisation based in West Cornwall. We are developing our project programme for the next 2 years. We are looking for a freelance fundraiser to help us reach our targets.
This position is supported by Cultivator. Position commences in June 2018.
Essential requirements:
Experience of working with arts organisations
Knowledge of the current funding availability and climate in the cultural sector
Proven track record of raising funds
Good communication skills
Commit to contract and agree on required guidelines (health and safety, code of conduct etc.)
Support Tough Dough by researching and devising a funding strategy in line with their business plan
Assist Tough Dough to complete grant applications to deliver the projects for 2019/20
Attend meetings (optional Skype) and report to Tough Dough (times to be agreed in the contract)
Agree with Tough Dough on a suitable framework to record and reflect on the impact
Contribute towards ways forward for Tough Dough and evaluation
Apply in writing stating your interest and suitability to the post (Max 600 words). Include CV and 2 references by email to: alessandra@toughdough.co.uk
Tough Dough is a CIC arts organisation. Alessandra Ausenda and Lizzie Black are both visual artists and founded Tough Dough in 2006.
To find more about Tough Dough please visit:
www.toughdough.co.uk or www.facebook.com/toughdough
Alessandra Ausenda and Lizzie Black
Deadline for application 17.00 – Monday 14 May 2018
Interview of shortlisted candidates: Wednesday 23 May 2018
Funded by: ACE lottery funded, Tough Dough, Cornwall Council, Cultivator and European Regional Development Fund.