Creative Torbay / Opportunities / Mon 10 Oct 2016
Consultant: Isle of Wight Cultural Strategy, IW Museums Partners

n July 2016 a group of seven heritage / cultural organisations from the Isle of Wight were successful with a collaborative bid to the Arts Council of England Museums’ Resilience Fund.
The bid’s stated objective was to “…identify a new, collaborative, fit-for-purpose, business model capable of challenging - and changing - the IW cultural sector’s current ‘direction of travel’.”
At the core of the bid was an undertaking to commission an independent agency that would bring forward recommendations for collaborative working and new practices that would radically improve the reach, fortunes and resilience of the Island’s heritage and cultural sector.
The partnered organisations are now seeking to appoint an experienced consultant / agency able to re-shape the Island’s heritage and cultural landscape. The partners are seeking an appointee who will be able to bring forward recommendations for:
Re-modelling the sector on a more collaborative, joined-up, basis.
Maximising the use of scarce financial, human and environmental resources.
Fostering an environment that is conducive to innovation and invention.
For full details of this opportunity, visit: http://southeastmuseums.org/news-and-opportunities?item=2393#.V-0M9oWcGM8 and download the attached briefing document or contact manager@carisbrookecastlemuseum.org.uk
Deadline for submissions: 9am Monday 10 October 2016.