Creative Torbay / Opportunities / Wed 24 Aug 2016
Community Engagement Officer (Maternity Cover), Cornwall Museums

Vacancy for Community Engagement Officer (Maternity Cover) 0.5 FTE £28,000 pro rata, based at Krowji Redruth, Cornwall.
The Community Engagement Officer will work across the 6 Major Partner Museums and wider sector to coordinate the Partnership’s community engagement programmes of work, including working with museums and arts organisations in Cornwall to reach out to new and diverse audiences, to maximize skills sharing and build on areas of expertise.
We are looking for a creative and organised self-starter with great communication and people skills. You will have an eye for detail, a commitment to quality and a passion for learning. You will be a skilled project manager who is able to support and manage a multi-faceted programme that engages more, and a wider range of people with museums in Cornwall. You will have experience of working with museums, heritage or cultural sector organisations and experience of the development and delivery of community engagement projects and activities. You will understand the challenges facing heritage organisations in our region and have a flexible and collaborative approach to supporting a programme of activity which will meet the diverse needs of a wide range of organisations.
Please see http://www.cornwallmuseumspartnership.org.uk/news/vacancy-community-engagement-officer-maternity-cover/ for the job description and application form. The deadline for applications is Wednesday 24th August at 5pm.