Creative Torbay / Opportunities / Sun 04 Feb 2018
Commission for Cornwall AONB Cultural Programme 2019, FEAST

FEAST is working with The Cornwall AONB Partnership, to commission a large scale cultural programme to celebrate, through the course of 2019, the 60th birthday of the designation and protection of significant parts of Cornwall’s landscape.
We are looking for creative and original proposals which will inspire people to explore and enjoy the landscapes of the Cornwall AONB, and the communities, history and stories which make them what they are. We want the cultural programme - working title Diamond Landscapes - to raise awareness of the value of the Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty with communities situated within all the 12 AONB.
We are inviting expressions of interest from artists / arts organisations working in any disciplines and would welcome submissions from artist collaborations put together for the purpose of this project.
We have a secured fee of £50,000 for commissioning the work and would expect to support the successful artist(s) or arts organisation to use that money as leverage for further substantial funding bids to realise the vision for the programme.
For further details –