Creative Torbay / Events / Sat 05 to Sun 06 May 2012 (2 days)
The Brixham Pirate Festival 2012

The Brixham Pirate Festival 2012
for a weekend bursting with entertainment for young and old!
Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th May 2012
Around the harbour, Brixham
Saturday 5th May
10.30am Festival Opens
All Day Wooden Hand Brewery beer available in local public houses when open.
Historic re-enactments - Throughout the day there will be short re-enactments from the Wight Pirates and others demonstrating life during the 16-18th centuries
10.00 Vigilance open day - take a tour of one of Brixhams unique heritage ships, find out more about the early days of Brixham fishing heritage. The Vigilance
can be found on the Southern side of the harbour past the Prince William pub.
www.vigilanceofbrixham.co.uk. See sailing times later in the schedule.
The Golden Hind will be open - charges apply.
10.30-4pm The Brixham Buccaneers present a Pirate Family Fun Day on The Old Fishmarket :
Puppet shows - Meet mischievous Greenbeard as he inflicts his Pirate deeds on our lovely residents, can Brixhams Mayor Rick Rye save the day.
Live music with Doubloon - Brixham Buccaneers popular resident entertainer.
Soak the pirate - Come and give our badly behaved Pirate a soaking as we lock him in the stocks (under 12’s).
Colouring competition - Show us your artistic skills by taking part in our free colouring competition.
Arts and crafts - Young pirates and their crew can try their hand at making a Pirate hat, mask or even a parrot door hanger (free, but donations welcome).
Face painting - Have your face painted to become a pirate or maybe a butterfly.
Hair braiding - Join Verna and she will transform your hair with colourful braids.
All events take place around the harbour unless otherwise stated, are weather permitting only and subject to change - please check chalkboards on the day.
The Hole in the Wall. Fantastic atmosphere. Live music thats worth a jig - and the finest ale so good it should be pirated!!!’ Free shot of ‘grog’ for every pirate that buys a beer!
Mermaid tails - come and join our storytelling mermaid and hear her tales of the deep.
Life at sea - Exhibition of life at sea 16th to 18th Century. Find out what they ate, how they lived, and what it was like to be at sea.
Pirate Hunt - Search the shops and cafe windows can you find the pirates names? Learn about who they were.
Circus/juggling skills workshop - Skull juggler Joe can teach you the secret skills of juggling, join him and have fun.
Balloon modeling - Watch and see our pirate balloon modeling as Lez the Fez conjures up swords and parrots among his many models.(Available to purchase).
Bellydancing Workshop - Come and have a go at Bellydancing with a bollywood twist. With Kate Jackson and friends
The Great Gale - Hear all about the great gale of 1866, over 100 lives lost, listen to historic eye witness accounts and newspaper reports of this tragic event in Brixhams' history and how it led to the lifeboat being stationed here in Brixham.
All events take place around the harbour unless otherwise stated, are weather permitting only and subject to change - please check chalkboards on the day.
Pirate Festival Rafflle - Win a Weekend holiday for 4 in 2012 -courtesy of Beverley Holidays and other great prizes, look for the Raffle Stand under the old fish market shelter next to the Golden Hind.
Tickets only £1
Please support the Pirate Festival!
There will be live music at local venues through the day and evening on both days. Please look for posters for further information.
11:30 - 1:30 Vigilance Sailing 1 - 12-18 yrs old- Join the crew of the heritage sailing vessel as they take you out to relive life aboard the heritage sailing vessel, booking tel : 07764 845353
2:30 - 5:00 Vigilance Sailing 2 - As above.
3.45pm Fancy Dress Competition - Who has dressed the best today? Stand f’ward and let us see your fine costumes - Judged by Jonty, our own Captain Jack.
4 - 5pm Photo opportunity with Jonty our own ‘Captain Jack’ near the Golden Hind - small charge applies.
5pm The Pirates and the Musketeers - The South Devon Players Present live street
The Pirate Family Fun Day is kindly Sponsored by Hoburne Holidays
Sunday 6th May
All events take place around the harbour unless otherwise stated, are weather permitting only and subject to change - please check chalkboards on the day.
11am Second day of the festival begins
All Day Wooden Hand Brewery beer available in local public houses when open.
11 - 1pm Historic re-enactments - living history displays including the Ships Barber (who was also the surgeon!). Featuring ‘The Wight Pirates’ and members of the ‘Society of King George the Third’. Flashing Blades - Sword Dancing Display. The Great Gale - A talk about the great gale of Brixham
11am - 4pm Meet the Parrots - a collection of colourful birds cared for and shown by Parrot Rescue (for more information please go to www.parrotrescue.org.uk).
11am Shanty Workshop performed by the Wareham Whalers a local shanty band from the South of England (see article) - 1 hour workshop explaining the different sorts of shanties and based on the work required on large sailing ships, demonstrations with ropes and singing.
11:45 The Ships Barber - The Wight pirates (As seen on the One Show) re-enactment of how life could be for a crew member at Sea during the 16th -18th centuries.
Followed by a Sponsored Head Shave.
12 - 2:15pm Live Music - Including Samba Jam and the Wareham Whalers (see article).
12:30 The Queens Rangers - Stage a Historic Navy drill followed by musket demonstration. Please listen to stewards instructions.
2 - 4:30pm The Brixham Battery- The Museum will be open today, find out more about the Brixham Battery and heritage site which was first used in 1586 then in the 1780’s, 1800’s and 1940’s. Free admission - see article later in program.
2.15 pm ‘Mile o’ Pirates’ event - Can we beat last years World record and reach a line of pirates over ONE MILE LONG? Join in the fun, dress as a pirate and join us. (this event can take up to 30 minutes to form a complete line, please help us to save time by following the stewards instructions).