Creative Torbay / Opportunities / Mon 16 Oct 2017
Brief for Project Evaluator

Brief for Project Evaluator
Growing Museums – Arts Council England Museum Resilience Programme - Torbay
The Growing Museums Project funded by Arts Council England builds directly on previous
ACE investment which has enabled significant changes and now provides a unique opportunity to implement next steps towards a resilient and sustainable museum sector in Torbay.
This exciting project works across the three accredited museums of Torbay - Torre Abbey Museum, Torquay Museum and Brixham Heritage Museum.
The Project Evaluator role will devise and deliver a programme of evaluation for Torbay’s Growing Museums Programme, incorporating each strand of the project activity across the Museum Resilience project.
The Project Evaluator will become familiar with the context of the partnership and its development to date and ambitions for the partnership for the future.
The main purposes of this evaluation will be to:
Review the work of the partnership to date exploring key outputs delivered by the partnership;
Measure the ways in which the partnership has made an impact in relation to the aims and objectives as set out in the Torbay Growing Museums Partnership MRF Activity Plan, and the three museums own Forward Plans.
Provide quantitative and qualitative data to assess the impact of the partnership to date
which will act as a baseline for future evaluation evidence;
Assess the project data in order to make recommendations for the partnership, for futurework and key areas identified as priority.
How to appy and contact details via the link.
For more information visit https://www.creativetorbay.com/networks/creative-torbay/documents/gm-evaluation.pdf?1506617636