Creative Torbay / News / Thu 01 Mar 2012
Arts Quarter is seeking the art community’s views

Arts Quarter is seeking the art community’s views about Philanthropy. The survey closes on 16 March 2012.
In addition to exploring the arts community's views around the Philanthropy Agenda as a whole and how these may have shifted, this research project looks to gather data on perceptions of what has been delivered to date and the effectiveness of these initiatives to deliver. We also look to gather data on trends in individual giving - a key element in the Agenda as well as looking at how organisations themselves may have moved on in their fundraising thinking since this time last year.
Arts organisations of all scales, regions and art forms are warmly invited to take part and may do so by clicking on the link at: http://www.artsquarter.co.uk/philanthropy.html
For more information visit http://www.artsquarter.co.uk/philanthropy.html