Creative Torbay / Opportunities / Wed 13 Dec 2017
Artist Facilitator for Somerset: Engaging Libraries

The aim of the Engaging Libraries project is to engage the local community on the subject of learning disabilities and autism using methods that are both fun and creative.
We are looking for an artist facilitator to lead on the following elements of the project:
To work with a group of young-adults/adults with learning disabilities or autism to help re-design their local library.
For the re-design, we want to encourage participants to not only think about how the space should look, but also what services are provided and how we provide these services.
The re-design should take a physical form that can be displayed for the public to see.
The final display should form a simple exhibition which explains the thinking and journey behind it.
We are also keen for additional ideas on engaging with the wider community on the subject of learning disabilities and the inclusivity of public spaces within Somerset Libraries.
There will be an opportunity to hold a preliminary workshop for participants and library staff, which we would like the artist facilitator to lead on. The purpose of this will be to build-up communication and relationships between all parties involved, and could take any format that the facilitator thinks would be beneficial.
Please see our website www.creativityworks.org.uk for the Full details and how to apply
Fee: Circa £4k (inc. travel) per library space.
Submit your application and supporting proposal to oliver@creativityworks.org.uk by 12pm Wednesday 13th December
We are open to receiving applications from individual artists or collectives and for one or both of the locations.