Creative Torbay / Events / Tue 27 Sep 2016

A very special live event is taking place in just a few days.
We would like to invite you to tune in at 9.15am on Tuesday 27th September 2016
......to see the premiere of Earth Echoes: A Song of Stones - a creative journey into the history of planet earth
Earth Echoes is a dramatic musical story of geology and the history of our planet. The premiere will open the 7th International Conference on UNESCO Global Geoparks, when over 700 delegates from around the world convene in Torbay. It will tell the fascinating story of our planet through voice, music, performance and multimedia.
Guided by a team of geologists, performers will travel through time and space and into the bowels of the earth. They discover how the continents form and change and track life from earliest earth to complexity of the life we know today.
There will also be a section on the great extinctions which reflects on where human activities started to have a significant global impact on Earth's geology and ecosystems.
Earth Echoes is performed by members of the English Riviera Global Geopark alongside alongside Hugh Nankivell, Mark Laville, the GeoCollective, Doorstep Arts and Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra (BSO).
This one-off performance will not be available for catch-up, so clear your diary and make sure you are ready to watch it live! Tune into the live stream online at
www.englishrivierageopark.org.uk on Tuesday 27 September 2016, from 9.15am to 10am.
We are asking schools across Torbay to take 45 minutes out of the school day to experience this unique piece of theatre. Each class can watch this amazing performance online, and use it as a starting point for activities provided in the Earth Echoes Learning Pack for Key Stages 2, 3 & 4
(available online from Monday 26th September)
We hope you will join us online for this very special event.