Creative Royston / Events / Sat 17 May 2014
Voluntary Arts Week: Knit & Giggle

This is the chance for all the young knitters in Royston to come and knit at the museum. Bring your own project or if you would like to come along to learn, please let us know in advance. FREE. 2pm
Royston Museum, 5 Lower King Street, Royston SG8 5AL
Want to find out more? Phone Sarah on 01763 242 587 (or email curator@roystonmuseum.org.uk)
For more information visit http://www.roystonmuseum.org.uk/
Event Location
Royston Museum
5 Lower King Street, Royston
Telephone: 01763 242 587
Email: curator@roystonmuseum.org.uk
Website: http://www.roystonmuseum.org.uk/