Creative Royston / News / Sun 14 Sep 2014
Royston's heroes & villains art trail

From witches to war-heroes...Creative Royston launches a new permanent art trail featuring some of the town's most colourful characters at this year's Royston Arts Festival (19-28 September).
Royston & District Local History Society and Royston Museum researched fifteen notable people and artist Liz Beardwell created images (based on known-portraits, where they could be found).
The ceramic plaques have been painted by Able, Gift and Talented students for Greneway, Roysia and Meridian School.(with the help of Glazed Creations).
For the full stories of the people behind the pictures visit: www.creativeroyston.org/heroesandvillains
For more information visit http://www.roystonartsfestival.org/heroesandvillains.html
News Location
Royston town centre
Telephone: 07907 880 355
Email: info@roystonartsfestival.org
Website: http://www.roystonartsfestival.org/heroesandvillains.html