Creative Royston / Events / Thu 22 to Sat 24 Sep 2016 (3 days)
CADS: Abigail's Party

Corvus Amateur Dramatic Society (CADS) presents "Abigail's Party" by Mike Leigh. This iconic 1970s situation comedy follows Beverley and Laurence as they invite their neighbours in for drinks. Come and join them as they share an evening of G&Ts, cheese & pineapple sticks and middle class aspirations.
Where: Meridian School, Garden Walk
When: Thursday 22, Friday 23, Saturday 24 September - 7.30pm-10pm
Tickets £10, £5 students/ children from website or 07925 674967.
For more information visit http://www.cadsroyston.org.uk/
Event Location
Meridian School
Garden Walk,
Telephone: 07925 674 967
Email: cadssecretary@gmail.com
Website: http://www.cadsroyston.org.uk/