Creative Minds / Opportunities / Tue 31 May 2016
Creative Minds Partners - NHS Foundation Trust

The South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust are inviting applications from voluntary and community organisations throughout Barnsley, Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield to apply for support from the Trust to help deliver creative activities in local areas.
In order to further develop our Creative Minds Strategy the Trust are supporting voluntary sector organisations and community groups to become their Creative Partners. Creative Partners would work with Trust staff to deliver innovative, transformative and meaningful projects for people who use their services, and their carers. The aim of the programme is to ensure there is a strong infrastructure of community and voluntary organisations able to work with the Trust to provide excellent creative projects for the people who access our services.
In 2016 – 2017 the Trust will be prioritising projects that:
•support user-led organisations and groups
•work in a co-productive way and deliver a learning experience
•link directly to SWYPFT services (e.g. learning disabilities, mental health, substance misuse, health improvement)
•complement the projects and partners currently delivering Creative Minds activities
•deliver projects that take place outside of working hours (i.e. evenings, weekends, bank holidays)
•meet the SWYPFT’s mission and values.
For more information about becoming a Creative Minds Partner please visit the website below. The closing date is 5 pm on Tuesday 31 May 2016.
For more information visit http://www.creativemindsuk.com/
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 01484 434 634
Email: creativeminds@swyt.nhs.uk
Website: http://www.creativemindsuk.com/