Creative Learning / Opportunities / Mon 18 Oct 2021
Community Interpreting Basics

Have you ever thought about becoming an interpreter in your local community, or maybe thinking about becoming a professional interpreter?
Community Action Dacorum are delighted to offer Hertfordshire residents another Community Interpreting course - starting on Monday 18th October - the course is a comprehensive introduction to what you need to take the next step into community interpreting.
Only £15 admin fee for the full 5 session course.
You can enroll directly by clicking here https://forms.gle/YMQHhSDroSMzUWAV7
Or contact learning@communityactiondacorum.org.uk for more information.
For more information visit http://www.creative-learning.org.uk/
Opportunity Location
Online ZOOM
Telephone: 01442 253 935
Email: learning@communityactiondacorum.org.uk
Website: http://www.creative-learning.org.uk/