Creative Learning / Events / Wed 15 Sep to Sat 20 Nov 2021 (2 months)
Delving Deeper - ONLINE course

Delving Deeper is a course designed to help learners who have already started their journey into self-care advance into a deeper level.
Assisting learners to listen to their hearts desire and to start to live a life that truly speaks to them. Weekly sessions on a closed Facebook group with regular “check ins” during the week.
Starting Wednesday 15th September 9pm to 9:45pm
ONLY £15 for the full 8-week course. Learners claiming certain benefits may be eligible to apply for a course fee reduction or waiver, please get in touch.
Our mindfulness courses fill up quickly, so if you would like to join complete the online enrolment form as soon as possible. https://forms.gle/VB7PfUVk1tZfZPCy7
For more information, please contact learning@communityactiondacorum.org.uk or call 01442 253 935 or visit our website www.creative-learning.org.uk
Event Location
Closed Facebook Live Group
Telephone: 01442 253 935
Email: learning@communityactiondacorum.org.uk