Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 11 Mar 2016
Your project or event can become part of Yorkshire Festival 2016

Yorkshire Festival will feature national and international artists and companies, alongside a wealth of regional performers, musicians and makers. If you have an existing arts event programmed between 16 June and 3 July 2016 you can have it featured in the online listing of Yorkshire Festival Plus.
Events will receive online marketing profile and be able to use the use the Yorkshire Festival Plus identity.
The focus on the Yorkshire Festival Plus programme is on providing online marketing support, not direct financial support.
To be part of Yorkshire Festival Plus submit the form here http://festival.yorkshire.com/join-in-and-downloads/fringe-events/yorkshire-festival-plus/yorkshire-festival-plus-form
You are welcome to submit more than one event.
The deadline for proposals for Yorkshire Festival Plus is 5pm Friday 11 March 2016 – by email only.
For more information visit http://festival.yorkshire.com/join-in-and-downloads/fringe-events
Opportunity Location
Website: http://festival.yorkshire.com/join-in-and-downloads/fringe-events