Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 13 May 2016
You and Your Community funding

You and Your Community - DEADLINE FRIDAY 13th MAY
Have you got a great idea to improve your local community but need some money to make it happen?
Through the ‘You and Your Community Programme,’ the Council’s District Committees have already funded lots of local groups and faith organisations to buy equipment, organise outings and events, run activities for young people, carry out environmental improvements and lots, lots more.
However, there are many more smaller groups out there that don’t fit neatly into a local neighbourhood and this is a chance for those who may have missed out to apply. The funding is aimed at smaller, volunteer-run groups – no idea is off limits and you could get up to £500 to fund your idea.
You have until Friday, 13th May to tell Volunteering Kirklees more about your idea. If it benefits the wider community they will invite you along to a community event on 11th June – 11am to 1pm at Volunteering Kirklees, 12 New Street, Huddersfield Town Centre (so please keep this date free). At this event local residents will vote for the best ideas so please turn up and bring along some friends and neighbours. Those ideas that get the most votes on the day will be awarded up to £500.
If you'd like to apply please contact us at info@vkirklees.org.uk or val@vkirklees.org.uk or 01484 519053 and we can post you an application, you can find the application on the link above. Or if you'd like to drop into the office to pick one up you can do.
For more information visit http://volunteeringkirklees.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/You-and-Your-Community.pdf
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 01484 519 053
Email: info@vkirklees.org.uk
Website: http://volunteeringkirklees.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/You-and-Your-Community.pdf