Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Sat 06 Jun 2020
York Open Studios Call for artists 2021

York Open Studios is York's largest arts festival which takes place on the 17/18 and 24/25 April 2021. We are inviting applications for our 2021 event.
York Open Studios is a selected event taking place in artist's own workshops, studios and homes all across York. Every year they showcase around 150 of York's 2D and 3D artists who make original art. 2021 will be extra special because it is our 20th anniversary year!
They had to cancel our 2020 event because of coronavirus, so for 2021 they will be hosting many of our 2020 artists but are always open to all artists who would like to apply. You must live or have a permanent studio within a ten mile radius of York City centre to be eligible and they welcome applications from artists at all stages in their career, including recent graduates who pay a reduced fee.
Due to this year's cancellation they will be working on a reduced budget for 2021 and will have to cut some costs. Their full directory will still be produced but may only be available as a PDF which will be distributed to our current mailing list and made widely available. They plan to produce a paper map with brief details about all our artists; each artist will also have a dedicated page on their website and will be showcased across social media. They will also continue to negotiate wide media coverage in newspapers, magazines and radio.
There is a charge of £110 for successful applications. Recent graduates (within 2 years) pay a reduced fee of £55. Artists pay commission of 10% on their total sales if they make more than £250.