"Come Play With Me" have launched a Music Call Out for women.
This is an opportunity for women making music in the Leeds City Region to send "Come Play With Me" an example of their music and then a group of well-respected local music industry people (press, record label owners, musicians, DJs etc.) will be choosing the most exciting new submissions as well as getting a feel for who’s at the right stage of their careers to really benefit from a 7” vinyl split release and associated services.
For more information about this Women in Music Call Out, and to make your application, please follow the link below
For more information visit https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe5agwlKKS7vWtl7LjubzGfxpmOpazMswXBaf9cVTLdLlGnbw/viewform?c=0&w=1