Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Sun 31 Dec 2017
Woman to Woman Fund launched (UK)

Rosa the UK Fund for women and girls has launched a new £2.2 million "Women to Women" Fund. Supported using funds from the ‘Tampon Tax, local women's organisations across the UK can apply for grants of up to £25,000 to support a wide range of charitable work that benefits women from building confidence and leadership skills, tackling harassment and violence, to training in financial literacy and increasing engagement in decision-making; etc.
Rosa plans to support at least 100 local grassroots women's organisations across the UK and the grants are available for groups with an income of under £100,000 per year. Rosa especially wants to support groups that work with disadvantaged communities or in disadvantaged areas. Grants can pay for core work, as well as mobilising volunteers, leadership development, communications and advocacy. Grants will be awarded over 3 rounds until March 2018.
Round 2 of the Woman to Woman fund will open in May 2017 and round 3 will open in September 2017. The deadline for applications for this funding round is 9am on the 16th January 2017 and successful applicants will be informed by end March.
Read more at: http://www.rosauk.org/resources/blog/woman-to-woman/
For more information visit http://www.rosauk.org/resources/blog/woman-to-woman/