Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Thu 31 Mar 2022
Wingate Foundation Performing Arts Grants Programme

Performing Arts (excluding music)
The Foundation has been a consistent supporter of the performing arts for many years. The Trustees intend to maintain that policy and welcome applications which meet the following criteria:
Performing Arts - achieving excellence
The Trustees place particular emphasis on financial support for charities with a record of artistic excellence that require additional funding, not available from public sources or commercial sponsorship, to broaden their repertoire or develop work of potentially outstanding interest which cannot be funded from the usual sources.
Assistance will also be considered for training and professional development for creative talent or the technical professions.
Funding for stage productions is not available.
Performing Arts - education and social exclusion
The Trustees additionally wish to support arts projects that place a particular emphasis on addressing educational or social exclusion outcomes.
Applicants can apply under either or both headings.
For more information visit http://www.wingatefoundation.org.uk/sc_performing_arts.php