Creative Kirklees / News / Sun 17 May 2020
Leeds City Region Creative Sector Coronavirus Impact survey

All creative organisations and freelancers in Kirklees, please take part in the Leeds City Region Creative Sector Coronavirus (Covid-19) Impact Assessment at
The creative sector (cultural and creative industries) makes an immense contribution to society including our health and well-being, in strengthening our communities and to our economy; and we know, from conversations with the sector, that Coronavirus (Covid-19) will affect if and/or how creative businesses and individuals will operate in future.
What are we doing?
Working under the Leeds City Region designation, West Yorkshire local authorities – Bradford, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield – and West Yorkshire Combined Authority | LEP, are collaborating to develop a shared understanding of the impacts of Coronavirus (Covid-19) on the region’s creative sector.
Robin Widdowson in the Creative Development Team at Kirklees Council is talking to a cross section of businesses to find out how Covid-19 is affecting them, what support they are managing to access and what further support they need.
We are keen to hear from everyone in the sector so please take some time to complete the survey at www.leeds.gov.uk/creativesectorimpact
Why are we doing this?
We will be able to use this data and intelligence to plan how best to help you now and in the future.
Who is it for?
All creative businesses – individual freelancers, large or small organisations, charitable, voluntary or commercial – are invited to participate in this survey.
Closing date is Sunday 31st May 2020.
If you have any issues completing the form or any questions, please get in touch with the Creative Development team via arts.creativity@kirklees.gov.uk or ring 01484 221000
For more information visit http://www.leeds.gov.uk/creativesectorimpact