Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 20 Nov 2015
Wellcome Trust - People & Society Awards

People Awards (up to and including £40 000) and Society Awards (above £40 000) are two related schemes supporting projects that encourage the public to explore biomedical science. The schemes are open to a wide range of people, including:
Mediators, facilitators and practitioners of science communication
Science centre/museum staff
Film makers
Theatre producers
Games developers
Public participation practitioners
Health professionals
Academics in bioscience, social science, bioethics and medical history and humanities.
Project activities and outputs may include: workshops, events, debates and discussions exhibitions and museum outreach films, games, websites and cross-platform projects performance or theatre projects involving existing work or work that may be more illustrative than artistic deliberative or opinion-gathering projects creation of teaching materials projects that use the collections of the Wellcome Library and Wellcome Collection at the Science Museum.
For more information visit http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/Funding/Public-engagement/Funding-schemes/People-Awards-and-Society-Awards/index.htm