Creative Kirklees / News / Tue 31 Mar 2020
Well-Bean Café and tips on maintaining good mental health

Good mental health is important to everyone and during this time of the coronavirus (COVID-19) is even more important than ever. If you're based in Kirklees the Well-Bean Café is a safe and confidential service offering mental health support to anyone in crisis living in Kirklees. It is currently operating as a phone service only. If you wish to access the service ring from 6pm to make a referral.
FRI - MON Tel: 07741900395
TUES - THURS Tel: 07867028755
These two websites below offer good tips and advice on how to manage anxieties you may have and ways to help you to maintain good mental health and wellbeing:
For more information visit http://kirklees.gov.uk/beta/health-and-well-being/mental-health-in-a-crisis.aspx