Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Thu 31 May 2018
Walk the Plank - Spring Elevate Workshop Programme

Walk the Plank have announced their Spring programme of workshops and talks for those interested in the Outdoor Arts world with renowned inter/national artists, designers and creatives from across the sector.
All events take place at Cobden Works in Salford; for the paid workshops, some free bursary places are available for those who would not be able to attend otherwise.
Thu 10 May, 1-4pm
Instruments of Joy - creating a contemporary street band with Tim Hill
Half day practical workshop with Tim Hill. Cost: £20
Thu 10 May, 6.30-8pm
Tim Hill’s A Joyful Noise
A presentation exploring street band cultures, outdoor music making and celebratory noise. Cost: Free
Thu 17 & Fri 18 May, 10.30am – 4pm
FIRETER’s Design & Movement Techniques for Character Creation
Two day practical workshop with Bulgarian FIRETER’s Plamen Ivanov & Rozaliya Mitrova. Cost: £80
Thu 17 May, 6.30-8pm
Creating FIRETER street performance ensemble
Talk with Plamen Ivanov and Rozaliya Mitrova from Bulgaria’s FIRETER Cost: Free
Mon 21 & Tue 22 May
Guérassim Dichliev’s Introduction to Visual Theatre and Mime Technique
Two half day practical workshops with Paris’s Guérassim Dichliev. Cost: £40
Tue 22 May, 6.30 -8.30pm
Guérassim Dichliev’s ‘Out of Place’
Talk and performance with Paris’s Guérassim Dichliev. Cost: Adults: £7, Children/Students: free
Sat 26 May, 1.30-5pm
Drawing Stories with Edward Taylor
A half day practical workshop with Edward Taylor of Whalley Range All Stars. Cost: £20
Thu 31 May 2018, 10-5pm
A survivor's guide to being a ‘one man’ street performer: The Incredible lightness of being (funny)
Practical Workshop with Natalie Hunt, aka Madame Zucchini. Cost: £40
For more information visit http://walktheplank.co.uk/workshop/elevate-2018-masterclass-series-spring/