Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 02 Oct 2017
Visually Impaired Singer/Actor - R&D project, Right Hand Theatre

The Guild Of Misrule - the company behind The Great Gatsby - and Theatre Deli are casting for a new immersive project.
As The Great Gatsby continues to run in London, the company are looking to meet remarkable performers and musicians for a large scale new show, centring across two planes of reality.
The show will be an entirely immersive and interactive production, wound together with buckets full of live music. As such, the company is looking to meet performers who have immersive and interactive experience, confident devising skills, and are competent multi-instrumentalists.
The show will be originated in Sheffield -
Rehearsal from 30th October 2017.
Show runs 1st - 31st December 2017.
The show will then transfer to a venue in London for an 8 week run in the new year, beginning late January 2018.
The Guild Of Misrule are holding workshop auditions on the 27th & 28th September (Sheffield) and the 29th & 30th September (London).
To apply please send a brief email detailing immersive / interactive experience along with any broader theatre-making experience, as well as detail of instruments played (including singing) and to what level / experience. Please also attach or link to CV and Headshot and any links to your music.
The Guild Of Misrule welcome applications from performers of all ages, genders and backgrounds including BAME, D/deaf & disabled performers.
Please send all applications to info@theguildofmisrule.com
For further information contact Andy Platt at andy@nohorizonthemusical.com
For more information visit http://www.theguildofmisrule.com/
Opportunity Location
Sheffield & London
Email: info@theguildofmisrule.com
Website: http://www.theguildofmisrule.com/