Creative Kirklees / News / Wed 16 Dec 2020
Vertical Sculptural Planters Design & Build Tender

As part of the Huddersfield Blueprint and following consultation, there are plans to rejuvenate New Street and Cloth Hall Street to provide attractive spaces with more opportunities for people to eat and socialise outdoors.
An area of New Street will become a ‘garden street’ with social, green areas and planting, complete with integrated seating and artwork. As well as raised planting areas and trees, vertical planters are being introduced that allow plants to grow up and over the top to create tree-like structures. These innovative, space-saving planters can be used in areas where cellars or underground equipment prevent the planting of trees and they require less ongoing maintenance.
A tender will be coming out in January 2021 to design and build the 3 Sculptural Vertical planters proposed for New street Huddersfield. The budget for the work is £210, 000 and companies with the relevant experience can apply for the tender once available in January.
For further information about the project see the links below or email landscape.streetscene@kirklees.gov.uk for more information about the tender.
Information Links below.: