Creative Kirklees

Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Tue 09 Aug 2016

Venturefest Yorkshire: Nurturing business growth in the region

Venturefest Yorkshire: Nurturing business growth in the region

Venturefest Yorkshire

Tuesday 9th August : 3M Buckley Innovation Centre, Huddersfield: 13:00-14:30

Come along to a Venturefest Yorkshire roadshow event to introduce you to the opportunities and competitions and all the other ways you can participate at the Venturefest in November, giving you lots of time to apply and take advantage of what’s on offer.

Register FREE:

Refreshments and snacks will be provided.

About Venturefest:

Venturefest Yorkshire is a one day festival with a clear remit to nurture business growth in the region by helping innovators develop their ideas and helping entrepreneurs get investment.

The Venturefest roadshow intends to inspire, entertain and amaze delegates with fantastic talks, workshops and exhibitions and a spectacular end-of-day show.

The main event will take place at York Racecourse on the 16th November. You can find out about all that’s going on at & around Venturefest and ways you can participate, including 2 competitions ...

1. 'Pitchfest' an investment competition with a £5,000 cash prize and 12 months of support to realize the business.

2. 'Innovation Showcase' : supported access to the show for new start-ups ( even pre start up ) Places are awarded on merit, applied for & selected by a panel. A £1,000 prize also for the ‘best in show’.

These competitions are for any business or individual in the region looking for support to develop their innovative ideas, or to get investment to grow their idea. Competition winners will be celebrated and showcased at the main event in November.

Exhibition and ticket sales for the final event in November will be launched, with big early-bird discounts available until the end of August. Want to be involved in the most exciting innovation event of the year - of course you do!

enquiries to:

For more information visit

Opportunity Location

3M Buckley Innovation Centre

Firth St


Opportunity Details

Opportunity Types

