Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Sun 28 Aug 2022
Upskilling Through Apprenticeships

Whilst Apprenticeships are a great choice for school leavers and those starting out on their career journey, they are in fact open to anyone, irrelevant of age, career position or existing qualifications, with courses available in a wide number of areas to suit an array of needs.
Through participating in an Apprenticeship with Kirklees Council you can carry on in your current role and maintain your current salary, whilst gaining additional qualifications at the same time. Upskilling is the perfect way to help take your career to the next level or to quantify the skills you have into a qualification. So whether you want to take a management and leadership course, diversify into another area of business or build on the knowledge you already have in a specific arena, the team at Kirklees Apprenticeships for All (KAFA) are on hand to help and advise you.
They can guide you through the available options and courses, speak to you about how an Apprenticeship might be perfect for you right now and help you in assessing your future career aspirations within Kirklees Council. The team will also deliver bespoke provision in terms of wrap around support; functional skills, coaching and mentoring, mental health and wellbeing support and IT & digital skills development. There is also an element of training available for supervisors and line managers of Apprentices too.
For more information see the website below (the myth busting section on here is particularly worth a visit) – Alternatively, contact the team today by e-mailing apprenticeshipsforall@kirklees.gov.uk and get started with your upskilling journey.
For more information visit http://www.kirkleesapprenticeshipsforall.co.uk/