Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 11 Sep 2015
Transitions in Later Life Funding

The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation is accepting applications to its Transitions in Later Life Fund. The fund is for projects that enhance emotional and mental wellbeing by drawing on resilience-building approaches and showing how these can be applied in pre-retirement to equip people for other later life transitions. Organisations registered in the UK and Republic of Ireland interested in advancing mental wellbeing for people in later life can apply and preference will be given to applications that build on current knowledge, expertise and build capacity in existing projects. There will be a financial support element of around £25,000 but the focus is on providing practical support through consultancy and collaboration.
For more information visit http://www.gulbenkian.org.uk/news/news/287-Call-for-initiatives-----Transitions-in-Later-Life--building-emotional-and-mental-wellbeing.html