Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 07 Jun 2021
‘Time to say thank you’ - Volunteers Week 2021: 1st to 7th June

The Third Sectors Leaders theme for Volunteers Week 2021 in Kirklees is ‘Time to say thank you’ and they want to use it as an opportunity to recognise how invaluable volunteers and voluntary groups are to our communities.
They’ll be sharing volunteer stories, photos and facts and figures on our social media throughout the week, and will be putting on an exhibition in partnership with Kirklees Libraries and Museums. and hosting a Virtual Volunteer Fair.
If you are a volunteer-led group, we would love to receive your stories, photos and feedback. Email comms@tslkirklees.org.uk.
Follow their Volunteering Team social media to find out more!
Facebook @TSLVolunteering
Twitter @TSLVolunteering
Instragram tslkirkleesvolunteering
#VolunteersWeekKirklees #VWK2021
Opportunity Location
Email: comms@tslkirklees.org.uk