Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 06 Dec 2019
The Leche Trust for performing arts and conservation

The Leche Trustees offer grants in two areas: performing arts and conservation.
Trustees will consider grants up to £5,000. In 2018 they awarded 80 grants totalling £171,750. The average grant was £2,146.
Applicants must be UK registered charities, public authorities or public institutions. We do not accept applications from Community Interest Companies (CICs) or individuals (except overseas PhD students – see separate guidance).
Organisations that have received a grant will not normally be considered for a further grant until 24 months have elapsed since the date of the meeting at which the previous grant was awarded.
Performing Arts:
The Trustees’ priorities for music, theatre and dance are:
*excellence in professional performance
*new work, and
* development of young, professional artists aged 18 or over.
The Trustees support projects to conserve historic objects, collections and features of buildings and landscapes which date from the Georgian period or earlier, i.e. pre-1830s.
Projects may include acquisition costs (for objects) and conservation surveys as well as remedial work. Trustees are inclined to give grants to smaller projects, or specific elements of projects, where their contribution can make a greater impact.
In the case of churches, Trustees will consider supporting the conservation of such features as monuments, wall paintings, stained glass, and historic furniture and fittings.
Trustees meet three times a year to review applications, normally in February, June and October. The deadline for the October 2019 meeting is midnight on Friday 16th August 2019. The deadline for the February 2020 meeting is midnight on Friday 6th December 2019. Please note that we are unable to accept applications after the deadlines unless there are exceptional reasons for the delay.
For full details on eligibility and how to apply, please visit the Leche Trust website below.
For more information visit http://www.lechetrust.org/how-to-apply.htm