Creative Kirklees / News / Mon 04 Dec 2017
The Homeless Support Stand Up Project Comedy Night

Local Comedian, Max Wall and Theatre and Comedy Company ‘Foot of the Barrel’ have joined to create a fantastic night of comedy in Brighouse to raise monies for the Huddersfield Change Project charity, born from the idea created by Lindsay Davies of 'The Homeless Support Project'.
Comedians Howard Walker, Max Wall and Shane Gough from ‘Foot of the Barrel are excited to be doing their bit to help local charity Hudderfield Change Project by organising their own event at 'North's at the Coachhouse' in Brighouse on Thurs, 14th Dec.
Foot of the Barrel have held some very successful Comedy events at North’s for the past few months with acts including Paul Sinha, from ITV’s The Chase, Shazia Mirza recently of Celebrity Bear Gryll’s Island and Mock The Weeks Gary Delaney. Standing up with Max Wall will be Tom King, Howard Walker, Rivka Uttley with opening act Helen Keeler and Headline act, who has been generously sponsored by the cast of Brighouse Pantomime, Anthony J Brown.
News Location
North's At The Coach House
10 Owler Ings Road
Telephone: 07740 529 213
Email: mawall@mail.com