Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 22 Sep 2017
The Finnis Scott Foundation

The Finnis Scott Foundation has grants available of between £500 and £10,000 to UK charities or individuals in the areas of horticulture and plant sciences, as well as fine art and art history.
Previous organisations who have received funding include:
• Bristol Museums Development Trust
• Milton Keynes Gallery
• Martineau Gardens
• Batsford Foundation
• Alnwick Garden Trust.
Funding can be used for both capital and revenue projects. In the last five years, over one million pounds has been awarded in grants to a great variety of projects. Preference is given to making grants to smaller charities where the grant would have a significant impact.
Read more at: http://www.finnis-scott-foundation.org.uk/home.html
For more information visit http://www.finnis-scott-foundation.org.uk/home.html