Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Sun 01 Nov 2015
The Everywoman Supper: Call out for 12 female creatives

The Everywoman Supper
Wednesday 18 November 2015
6.30-9.30pm @ The Assembly Room - The Civic, Barnsley
A call out for 12 female creatives, artists, thinkers and entrepreneurs of all ages, ethnicities and backgrounds to engage in a unique supper set to explore themes of identity, the re-emergence of the feminine, what this really means for us in our daily lives and evolving relationships with ourselves.
The night is hosted by The Civic’s artist in residence, musician/artist Hayley Youell in collaboration with artist Lena Sass. Material and conversations generated from the supper will support Hayley’s Arts Council funded research and development project, which is exploring the conflict and tensions of owning and reframing our own identities.
A meal and drinks (wine, soft drinks and tea) will be provided free of charge. Dress code is “come as you are”, no formalities required. All we ask in exchange is for you to bring along a plate of something sweet or savoury to share with all guests after our meal and an appetite for exploration, creativity and open conversation.
Please submit your expression of interest in attending this event to Hayley Youell at hayleyannyouell@hotmail.com by 1 November 2015. This needs to be no longer than 1 page letter, sharing information about you, what you do, what excites you about the theme and a little something about what you feel you could bring to the table. All expressions of interest will be considered and invited guests will be notified by 6 November 2015.
Please note that expenses cannot be offered for this activity.
For more information visit http://www.outfitcollaborative.wordpress.com/