Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Tue 31 May 2016
The Eridge Trust - Grants for School Trips

The Eridge Trust is a charitable trust whose purpose is to encourage young people to enjoy and appreciate visual art, especially painting. The Trust makes grants of up to £3,000 to primary or secondary schools or sixth form colleges in the state sector for school trips to museums, galleries and centres of art at home and abroad. Grants are also made to UK museums and galleries for projects aimed at young people. Trips must be for students in schools or sixth form colleges in the maintained sector.
In the past, the Trust has supported many different kinds of trips, mainly organised by individual schools, but also by groups of schools, education authorities and others. They have included day trips to local galleries, trips of a few days to major UK cities and trips of up to a week or more to European cities and regions. In addition, the Trust have given grants to museums to support school visits and to encourage university students to enjoy and make use of their local museum.
For more information visit http://www.eridgetrust.co.uk/page2.htm