Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 24 May 2021
The Civc, Barnsley are looking to recruit their next CEO!

During this pivotal time, as we emerge from Covid-19 and start to open up again, as well as looking ahead to a significant and ambitious re-development of The Civic building, Barnsley Civc are looking for an inspirational person to lead their dedicated team on this journey.
They want to attract a leader who is brave, curious and bold, someone who is solution focused, forward thinking and genuinely excited by the prospect of reaching their further potential.
For full details please visit the website below.
For an informal conversation about this opportunity you can contact their advising consultants at Peridot Partners;
James Hunt | james@peridotpartners.co.uk | 07711 405 444
Philippa Fabry | philippa@peridotpartners.co.uk | 07772 902 071
Closing date: 9am, Monday 24th May 2021
Salary: £45,000 – £52,000
For more information visit https://www.barnsleycivic.co.uk/jobs/