Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Sun 01 May 2016
The Anthony Howard Award for Young Journalists 2016

Win £25,000 and work for three prestigious British publications: The Times, the Observer and the News Statesman.
The prize, sponsored by the Haymarket Media Group, was established in memory of the writer and broadcaster Anthony Howard. Last year's winner, Henry Zeffman, is currently serving three successive fellowships with those titles, all of which are closely associated with Howard.
Recognised as one of the most acute political commentators of his generation and a familiar face and voice on TV and radio, Howard was also an incisive judge of new talent. With this in mind, Lord Heseltine, who established Haymarket Media Group, set up the award to honour the memory of his lifelong friend.
Applicants are now invited for the 2016 prize.
Working or aspiring journalists under the age of 27 should submit a detailed proposal for a 5,000-word piece on an aspect of British politics and government,displaying the qualities that Howard most looked for in a writer: flair, imagination and wit. Henry Zeffman triumphed last year with his proposal to examine what has happened to career politicians who lost their seats at the last election. Have they used their contacts to carve out careers connected to politics, perhaps as lobbyists, or are they fighting to regain office, either in the same constituency or elsewhere?
Applicants should send their proposal, an example of their writing (maximum 800 words) and a short CV, including contact details, to anthonyhowardaward@gmail.com
Applications will close at 23.59 on Sunday 1 May 2016.
For more information visit http://anthonyhowardaward.org.uk/
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Website: http://anthonyhowardaward.org.uk/