Creative Kirklees / News / Mon 09 Mar 2020
Up for Arts want to hear about your creative activities & events

Up for Arts is a new partnership between BBC Radio Leeds and the organisation Voluntary Arts. The aim is to raise the profile of cultural participation and inspire more people to get involved in creative activities by using the power of radio.
Jane Chesworth, the Up for Arts producer is doing a “what’s on bulletin” on the Teatime Show every Thursday about the activities that are happening each week across West Yorkshire. She is very keen to find out details of local groups, workshops or events so she can give it a mention. It could be singing, scriptwriting or screen printing; knitting or needlework…anything that people can come along to and try for themselves to get their creativity flowing.
Jane is also interested in the stories celebrating creative arts, how it can help change people’s lives for the better, the communities who are working together on projects, the uplifting and the inspiring stories out there.
Another way to raise your profile is to sign up for the Get Creative Festival in May. Here’s the link with more info https://getcreativeuk.com.
To let Jane know what you are up to contact her by email at: jane.chesworth@bbc.co.uk
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Email: jane.chesworth@bbc.co.uk