Creative Kirklees / News / Tue 25 Aug 2020
Take part in the Urban Canvas virtual driveway painting festival

Urban Canvas would like to invite artists (from professionally established to budding beginners) within the Kirklees creative community to take part in their second ‘virtual’ collaboration. As they can't organise or be part of festivals and events this year due to Covid19, they thought the next best thing would be to put their festival online and get artists out in their driveways, gardens, back yards and doorsteps and share their pavement art creations virtually.
Following Urban Canvas’s recently successful online collaboration with Bandol Street Painting Festival, S. France and their International Lockdown Virtual Festival (27 July-2nd Aug 2020), they have now teamed up with Chalk Circle in Stawell, Victoria, Australia to bring you yet another Lockdown Virtual Festival of Backyard and Driveway Street Painting.
Taking place from 1st – 6th Sept 2020, they are inviting artists to sign up to the Facebook page www.facebook.com/groups/301555501062474 and introduce themselves to everybody and pledge their support in taking part.
For those needing a little encouragement, some tips, or just beginning click here: https://youtu.be/Rs2gTA9sGP0
For more information visit https://youtu.be/Rs2gTA9sGP0
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Website: https://youtu.be/Rs2gTA9sGP0