Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Tue 30 Mar 2021
Take part in making a global community 'covid quilt'

Yorkshire based artist, Jan Ansell, is inviting people to participate in the making of a global community 'covid quilt'.
Jan is inviting people to send in a square to be part of the quilt which can be made of any fabric, knitted, crochet, felted, sewed, appliqué , batik etc. but must be personal to you and your experiences with covid/ lockdown and the strange times we are all currently in.
Your square needs to be 30cm by 30cm so it can be sewed together to make a big quilt to be displayed at Dean Clough Gallery in Halifax UK
There are no age restrictions so this could be a family activity. The idea is to be mindful and to just take some time out of our busy lives to be restful and craft.
Post your finished squares to:
Jan Ansell
Fletchers Mill, Dean Clough, Halifax HX3 5AX