Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Thu 08 Sep 2016
Street Voices 6 - Do you have something to say?

Freedom Studios in Bradford is offering a free playwriting course for writers at the beginning of their careers to develop their talent, learn how to write a script and make their voices heard. Street Voices 6 is an opportunity to say it the way you see it, without borders, without fear and without compromise.
Details of the course are below.
What the course offers:
• Full day writing workshops
• One to one mentoring
• Masterclasses with experienced writers
• Support and advice from professional theatre-makers
• Visits to see plays, events and performances
• Workshops with professional theatre directors and actors
• Safe and friendly environment to try out ideas
What we are looking for?
We are looking for distinctive voices and new perspectives with an ability to write and the potential to develop. You’ll need a willingness to take risks and try out new ideas along with a commitment to attend all the course dates.
You must be over 18 and based in Yorkshire. We are keen to attract writers who haven’t had the opportunity to attend a professional writer’s course before. Individuals from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds are actively encouraged to apply.
Dates and location:
Workshops will take place on Saturdays from 10am to 4pm between October 2016 and April 2017 at Freedom Studios in Bradford.
To apply write to us with:
• An idea for a story that you want to write and why? (300 words)
• Why you love writing? (200 words)
• How this course will benefit you as a writer? (200 words)
• One example of your writing. Please send up to 2 pages of play script only.
The closing date for applications is Thurs 8th September 2016 at 5pm
Interviews: week commencing 26th September 2016 in Bradford
Email your application to: hello@freedomstudios.co.uk
Or post to: Street Voices, Freedom Studios, 7 Manor Row, Bradford BD1 4PB
For more information or informal chat call Alex or Aisha on 01274 730077
For more information visit http://www.freedomstudios.co.uk/
Opportunity Location
Freedome Studios
Email: hello@freedomstudios.co.uk
Website: http://www.freedomstudios.co.uk/