Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 24 Mar 2017
Spirit of the Community Awards Open to Charities

The Yorkshire and Clydesdale Bank Foundation invites not-for-profit groups in England and Scotland to apply to its Spirit of the Community Awards 2015.
The Spirit of the Community Awards were launched in 2013 by the Yorkshire and Clydesdale Bank Foundation which was founded in 2008 by Yorkshire Bank. The Awards were created to support the people and communities in which the banks work and to recognise organisations that ‘go the extra mile’.
Registered charities, not-for-profit community organisations and constituted voluntary groups in England and Scotland can apply for an award as long as their project is located in, and benefits, a community where the banks operate.
Projects must address one of three categories:
1. Financial education - The focus is on initiatives that advance financial education including initiatives that promote accessibility to both financial education and financial services.
2. Employability – The focus is on initiatives that build on and develop skills in individuals to equip them for the workplace and help them become ready for work.
3. Environment – The focus is on projects seeking to protect or improve the environment.
The total awards available for 2015 is £150,000 with half going to groups in England and half going to groups in Scotland. An overall winner will be selected for each category in England and in Scotland and will receive £10,000. Three highly commended groups will be selected from each category and receive £5,000.
Applicants should be able to show:
There is a need/demand for the project and how the project will effectively respond to, or meet, the need.
- They are taking an innovative approach to addressing the issue which should be unique in the community.
- There are positive and practical benefits for the wider community.
- They have evidence of how the project will be managed and monitored.
- They have a practical vision for the longer term sustainability of the work of the project.
Winners will be notified in May and the Awards will be made this summer.
An application form and further information can be found on the Yorkshire and Clydesdale Bank Foundation's website
For more information visit http://www.ybonline.co.uk/about-yorkshire-bank/community/charitable-donations-about-us/