Creative Kirklees

Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 03 Dec 2018

Social Media Paid Advertising & PPC: Co-working Event...

Social Media Paid Advertising & PPC:  Co-working Event...

Have you booked your place on the Digital Knowledge Exchange one-time Paid Advertising and PPC Co-working day? It will be taking place on Tuesday 4th December 2018, 9:00am-16:30pm at the 3M Buckley Innovation Centre, Huddersfield HD1 3BD with lunch provided.

The free full-day workshop; facilitated by trainer Pascal Fintoni will feature a range of digital debriefs from paid advertising experts from across the region. The full-day event will be delivered in their co-working format, allowing you to collaborate and network with other businesses.

As a result of attending you’ll learn new strategies and new ways to engage with your online audience using paid social media advertising and PPC on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, and Instagram.

• learn all about paid social media strategy across platforms
• better understand how to make the most of Linkedin sponsored ads
• find out more about pay per click marketing
• learn how your sales and marketing funnel integrate with your paid advertising
Make the last few weeks of the year work for your business so that you are in a really strong position come the start of 2019 and join us at this free and interactive workshop.

If you’d like to attend this event, simply email>and she’ll reserve your space.

Please note: This is a one-time social media paid advertising & PPC event, that they won't be repeating again in this format. Don't miss your chance to attend this special workshop.

For more information visit

Opportunity Location


3M Buckley Innovation Centre, Huddersfield HD1 3BD


Opportunity Details

Opportunity Types

