The Leeds City Region LEP & Burberry are inviting you to be a part of a unique opportunity at the Skills Yorkshire event in October.
To build on the LEP’s FutureGoals campaign they are creating the first ever ‘Creative Zone’ in partnership with Burberry at the Skills Yorkshire event (2 & 3 October 2019 at The Centenary Pavilion, Leeds). This is the region’s largest careers, jobs, skills and apprenticeship event aimed at young people aged 14-24.
The Creative Zone will be a collection of some of the very best businesses from across the region, each promoting the Creative Industries and demonstrating the range of opportunities available. Businesses would have a dedicated space across the two days to showcase the value of creative skills to all industries through interactive hands-on activities.
Your business would benefit by:
• Raising your profile to over 5,500 local young people, parents, carers and teachers (current or potential clients/customers)
• Bringing your business to life and inspiring the next generation
• Addressing workforce pipeline and diversity needs by attracting talent
• Engaging with your local community
• CSR - being a responsible business
• Benefitting from a 35% discount on stand prices
See http://bit.ly/Skillsyorkshire for more details of how to get involved and costs. Please let Enterprise Coordinator Lindsey Johnson know if you would be interested as soon as possible as spaces are limited, there is also an opportunity to share a stand with another business if you’re a smaller organisation.
Lindsey Johnson
07973 944 932