Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Tue 04 May 2021
SHINE Emerging Artist Programme 2021

Light Up the North (LUTN) is a network of 6 light festivals across the north of England. In 2021, four of the festivals are joining together to award funding to emerging artists working with light, to produce and exhibit new commissions at their 2021 light festivals.
The SHINE programme aims to nurture and develop new talent, giving artists the opportunity to exhibit or perform new work at four of the LUTN festivals (Light Night Leeds, Light Up Lancaster, Lightwaves at Salford Quays and Lightpool in Blackpool).
Up to two artists or collectives will be awarded substantial commissions of up to £10K to realise ambitious new artworks.
Some basics - the artwork(s) will need to:
Be suitable for outdoor winter light festivals
Be artistically challenging/interesting and of high quality
Be structurally resilient enough to withstand the winter weather at multiple festivals (October - December) and transportation across our festival network
For 2021, the successful commissions will also need to:
Focus on environmental sustainability in their design and embody best practice in their delivery
Be of mid/large scale – we are encouraging ambitious proposals
Be created for audiences to enjoy/experience even with social distancing restrictions in operation
As well as financial support, each artist will also receive a full induction to the programme, as well as training and mentoring from across the LUTN partnership. We will work directly with commissioned artists to support their development, with guidance in areas such as marketing, finance, production, risk assessments and fundraising. This will all be delivered safely following government pandemic guidelines.
To be eligible to apply to the SHINE programme you must be a UK-based artist who is perceived as an emerging talent (regardless of age) with the ability to achieve their ideas to a high quality. Please read the full information and FAQs before submitting your application.
More details at the link below.
For more information visit https://www.curatorspace.com/opportunities/detail/shine-emerging-artist-programme/5408