Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Tue 26 Apr 2022
Scops Art Trust - Funding for Arts Projects

Charities across the United Kingdom can apply for funding for new high-quality projects that provide opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds to access, enjoy, and participate in the arts.
Scops Art Trust is offering grants of up to £30,000 to registered charities, and other constituted, not-for-profit organisations, to deliver projects and activities that give people of all ages a better quality of life by enabling them to understand, participate in, and enjoy the arts, particularly the performing arts (music, drama, opera, and dance).
In 2022, the Trust will continue to consider applications for music education projects for children and young people but is especially interested in supporting performing arts projects aimed at adults and projects which will benefit all ages across the generations. It is also keen to hear from organisations planning smaller regional festivals in areas where there is little arts provision, due to socio-economic circumstances or geographically remote locations.
Most grants will be awarded for specific projects, but the Trust will also contribute towards the core costs of smaller organisations where a grant could make an impact. Priority will be given to small-to-medium-sized organisations.
There is a two-stage application process, wherein groups must complete an eligibility check before being invited to submit a Stage 1 application. Selected applicants will then be invited to complete a Stage 2 online application form.
The deadline for applications is 26 April 2022 (12 noon).
For more information visit https://www.scopsartstrust.org.uk/
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Website: https://www.scopsartstrust.org.uk/