Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 06 Jul 2020
Respond & Reimagine Grants for Visual Arts Agencies & Festivals

The Art Fund's Respond and reimagine grants provide funding to help museums, galleries and cultural organisations respond to immediate challenges connected to the Covid-19 crisis, and offer support to adapt and reimagine ways of working for the longer-term future.
If you are an organisation that is a visual arts agency or festival, the Art Fund would be happy to hear from you providing you can meet the above and have a strong visual arts focus. Sadly, they can’t support theatre, music, dance or other art forms.
The Art Fund are happy to receive applications from UK public museums, galleries, historic houses, libraries and archives that:
– ordinarily have spaces for the public to visit and experience the visual arts or other object-based collections. This could include natural history, maritime and transport, archaeology and social history.
– can demonstrate that you usually operate to best practice standards or have a good track record in delivering high quality public activity.
When to apply
There are three funding rounds for these grants:
– Round 1: Apply by Monday 6 July 2020, and we’ll aim to get you a decision by 31 July 2020
– Round 2: Apply by Monday 17 August 2020, and we’ll aim to get you a decision by 21 September 2020
– Round 3: Apply by Monday 12 October 2020, and we’ll aim to get you a decision by 9 November 2020
For more information visit https://www.artfund.org/supporting-museums/programmes/respond-and-reimagine-grants