Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 31 Jul 2015
Red Earth site-specific collaboration on Greenham Common

Red Earth site-specific intensive on Greenham Common
Monday 21 - Friday 25 September
A unique opportunity to work with Red Earth on a 5-day site-specific
collaborative workshop on Greenham Common.
101 and Red Earth invite you to join a group of 12 artists to explore and extend your practice in the context of landscape-based work.
You will be working and living together as a group over five days, free to respond to the Greenham Common landscape through both your own practice and through collaboration with the other participants.
Taking Greenham Common as our starting point, we will explore how to develop work that is responsive to site, how different locations can offer inspiration through their archaeology, history, geology and ecology.
Collaborative work can lead to unimagined combinations through discussion, shared practice and experimentation. This programme invites you to go beyond your comfort zone, discover new skills and collaborate with other artists to create new work, without the pressure of an audience.
This 5-day intensive will appeal to emerging and established artists and professionals working in the arts world: visual artists, performers, musicians, technicians,interested in extending their skills and practice in the context of outdoor installation/performance, and who are intrigued by the challenge of collaborating with artists working in other art-forms.
Red Earth
With 25 years of site-specific work behind them Red Earth are amongst the most experienced practitioners in the field of outdoor installation and performance.
Cross-art form, cross-cultural and interdisciplinary, their unique portfolio of work crosses several creative boundaries, with work ranging from site-specific installations to landscape-sweeping performance journeys, linked by an integrity of approach and attention to detail that makes their work unique in the world of outdoor arts.
As practising artists, directors and producers they offer a wide and knowledgeable perspective on the hands-on process of creating outdoor site-specific performance.
101 Outdoor Arts Creation Space
Based on the former USAF Greenham Common cruise missile base, this 10,000sq ft warehouse with on-site fabrication workshop, artists village of twelve refurbished caravans and rehearsal facilities is a major new centre for artistic residencies, creation of new work for public spaces and innovation in site specific and outdoor performance.
Early Bird rate £250
(if booked before Friday 31 July)
Full rate £300
Price includes accommodation and some meals
To book, please call Box Office on 0845 5218 218
There are a limited number of bursaries available, for more information and how to apply please email Kris Huball.
www.101outdoorarts.com | www.redearth.co.uk
For more information visit http://www.redearth.co.uk/
Opportunity Location
Website: http://www.redearth.co.uk/