Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Tue 16 Nov 2021
Reconnect: BAFA Conference for Festivals: 16-17 November

Join the in person BAFA Conference for Festivals in Harrogate, including stimulating conversations about the future of festivals, and how we build back a more inclusive and vibrant sector in the wake of the pandemic.
Speakers include Slung Low, Manchester International Festival, Northern Broadsides, Class Festival, Industry Minds, Unboxed (Festival 2022) and Indigo.
Issues that will be talked about include:
Re-imagined organisations
Mental Health - supporting resilience in the Festivals sector
Reconnecting with audiences
Opening up: diversifying the festivals sector
The future of Festivals
The venue is the Crown Hotel, Harrogate, offering delegate accommodation for £80 pppn
For full details and to book your place please visit the website below.
For more information visit https://www.artsfestivals.co.uk/events/conference-for-festivals/